Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk or Treat @ Preschool
Alivya, William, Layne and Tara
Her Prechool Class

Sleeping Beauty!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Mighty Hunter Strikes!!!

Believe it or not I shot a deer. Zane and I opening day of the deer hunt.
We didn't see anything.
Sunday the 19th Zane took me out hunting again and we hiked our butts off. We hiked up this side hill and glassed for deer. Zane spotted this buck at this time the deer was 800 yards away. So we had to hike to get closer. It was getting dark fast so I had to take a shot. It was about 500 yards away and I pulled the trigger. It was a one shot wonder! I hit the deer in the spine and dropped him. He's a four point 21 inches wide and 24 inches tall. Now I am one up on Zane.

I know a great taxidermist (hint...hint...
(Zane)) who is going to mount my mighty buck!!!